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Found 161 publications

FLEX Written Submission: Modern Slavery Bill Evidence Review

November 2013

Written Evidence submitted by Focus on Labour Exploitation to the Joint Committee on the draft Modern Slavery Bill

February 2014

FLEX Parliamentary Briefing, Modern Slavery Bill, House of Commons Second Reading

July 2014

FLEX Parliamentary Briefing, Modern Slavery Bill, House of Lords Report Stage

February 2015

FLEX Working Paper 01: Prevention of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

March 2015

FLEX Working Paper 02: Access to Justice for Victims of Trafficking

March 2015

Policy and Practice: Claiming Space for Labour Rights within the United Kingdom Modern Slavery Crusade

September 2015

FLEX Policy Blueprint: Combatting Labour Exploitation through Labour Inspection

October 2015

Identification and Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the Netherlands, the UK and Romania

February 2016

Beyond Compliance: Effective Reporting under the Modern Slavery Act

March 2016

Vulnerability to human trafficking for labour exploitation

May 2016

Support entitlements in the UK: National Referral Mechanism for victims of human trafficking

July 2016

Legal rights & options for victims of human trafficking in the UK

July 2016

FLEX Working Paper: Access to Compensation for Victims of Human Trafficking

July 2016

Pro-Act UK Pilot Report

July 2016

Labour Exploitation Advisory Group (LEAG) Position Paper: Labour Compliance to Exploitation and the Abuses In-between

August 2016

Guidance: understanding victim perspectives in identifying and reporting cases of labour exploitation

August 2016

Improving the Identification and Support of Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the EU

September 2016

Improving Access to Compensation for Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation in the UK

September 2016

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery: Responses to Questionnaire on Access to Justice and Remedy

April 2017

Priorities for the next government on corporate accountability, responsible business and trade

April 2017

Between Decent Work and Modern Slavery

May 2017

FLEX Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade for the Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia

May 2017

FLEX Guide to Legal Remedies for Victims of Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

June 2017

FLEX submission to the Mayor’s Good Work Standard consultation

August 2017

Lost in Transition: Brexit & Labour Exploitation

August 2017

FLEX Statement on the impact of immigration control measures on vulnerability to exploitation

October 2017

FLEX Briefing: Labour Exploitation in London’s Construction Sector

October 2017

Risky Business: Tackling Exploitation in the UK Labour Market

October 2017

FLEX Submission to the Australian Government’s Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Reporting Requirement Public Consultation

October 2017

FLEX statement on the need for comprehensive measures to prevent trafficking for labour exploitation

October 2017

FLEX submission to the Migration Advisory Committee review of EEA-workers in the UK labour market

November 2017

FLEX submission: UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons on early identification of victims and potential victims of trafficking in persons, and identification of indicators of vulnerabilities to trafficking in the context of mixed migration flow

January 2018

FLEX Briefing: European Union (Withdrawal) Bill Amendment 21

February 2018

FLEX submission to the Public Accounts Committee on Reducing Modern Slavery

February 2018

Women in the workplace: FLEX’s five-point plan to combat exploitation

March 2018

Shaky Foundations: Labour Exploitation in London’s Construction Sector

April 2018

FLEX submission to the Regulatory Reform Committee on the Government’s deregulation agenda

April 2018

Researching Labour Exploitation: Guide to Research with Hard-to-reach Migrant Workers in the UK

May 2018

FLEX submission to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on agency workers recommendations

May 2018

FLEX submission to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy on enforcement of employment rights recommendations

May 2018

LEAG submission to the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery on the gendered dimensions of contemporary forms of slavery, its causes and consequences

May 2018

Seeing through transparency: a FLEX blueprint for worker-centred corporate accountability to prevent human trafficking for labour exploitation

July 2018

Seeing through transparency: making corporate accountability work for workers

July 2018

FLEX’s 10 Point Plan to Tackle Exploitation in Supply Chains

July 2018

Advisory Committee of the Modern Slavery Registry’s Submission to the Australian Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee on the Australian Modern Slavery Bill 2018

August 2018

Preventing exploitation in the shadow of Brexit: The risks of temporary migration programmes

September 2018

Public Procurement to Prevent Human Trafficking and Forced Labour

September 2018

Effective Transparency in Supply Chains Legislation

September 2018

FLEX/LEAG Joint submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration in response to call for evidence: an inspection of how the Home Office is tackling illegal working

September 2018

LEAG Submission to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration call for evidence: ‘Adults at Risk’ in immigration detention

February 2019

Disposable Workers: the Future of the UK’s Migrant Workforce

March 2019

Full Disclosure: Towards Better Modern Slavery Reporting

March 2019

The Risks of Exploitation in Temporary Migration Programmes: A FLEX response to the 2018 Immigration White Paper

May 2019

Briefing: The UK’s Future Skills-Based Immigration: Mitigating against the Risks of Human Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

May 2019

Recognising Lived Realities: policymaking on cocoa farming in Ghana and the Dominican Republic

June 2019

Respect, Dignity, That’s What We Want: Lessons from the Bangladesh and Myanmar Garment Sectors on Working Conditions

June 2019

Detaining Victims: Human Trafficking and the UK Immigration System

July 2019

FLEX and LAWRS response to the Government Equalities Office Consultation on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

October 2019

FLEX response to the BEIS Single Enforcement Body consultation

October 2019

LEAG response to the BEIS Single Enforcement Body consultation

October 2019

General Election 2019: FLEX’s 9 Steps to End Labour Exploitation

November 2019

Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee regarding the List of Issues for the UK Review of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

January 2020

FLEX Response to the Director of Labour Market Enforcement’s Call for Evidence: 2020/21 Strategy

January 2020

Joint Submission to the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings Third Evaluation Round

February 2020

Worker-Driven Social Responsibility: Exploring a New Model for Tackling Labour Abuse in Supply Chains

March 2020

Webinar on Worker-Driven Social Responsibility

March 2020

No Worker Left Behind: Protecting Vulnerable Workers from Exploitation During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 2020

Immigration Bill 2020: Second Reading Briefing

April 2020

Opportunity Knocks: improving responses to labour exploitation with secure reporting

April 2020

Letter to the Secretary of State for the Home Department on the Immigration Detention of Victims of Human Trafficking in the UK

May 2020

Submission to the Public Accounts Committee call for evidence on ‘Immigration Enforcement’

July 2020

Messaging ‘Modern Slavery’

July 2020

Guidance: information for agricultural workers on your rights and support whilst in Scotland

August 2020

Letter: New Home Office policy on rough sleeping and the increased risks of modern slavery

December 2020

“If I Could Change Anything About My Work…” Participatory Research With Cleaners In The UK

January 2021

Experts by Experience: Conducting Feminist Participatory Action Research with Workers in High-Risk Sectors

March 2021

Assessment of the risks of human trafficking for forced labour on the UK Seasonal Workers Pilot

March 2021

Access to work for survivors of slavery to enable independence and sustainable freedom

March 2021

#30 Days to Act for Survivors at Risk of Detention

March 2021

Joint civil society response to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee report: ‘Uyghur forced labour in Xinjiang and UK value chains.’

April 2021

‘New Plan for Immigration’ FLEX Consultation Response

May 2021

“To help workers, I would tell the Government to…” Participatory Research with Workers in the UK Hospitality Sector

July 2021

No viable alternatives: Social (in)security and risk of labour exploitation during Covid-19

October 2021

FLEX written submission on the Nationality and Borders Bill

October 2021

FLEX written submission on the UK Modern Slavery Strategy Review

November 2021

Bad Decisions: the creation of an Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority will undermine identifying and protecting victims of crime

November 2021

“The gig is up”: Participatory Research with Couriers in the UK App-Based Delivery Sector

November 2021

Anti-Slavery Sector’s CEO Letter to MPs on the Nationality and Borders Bill

December 2021

Open letter on reforming the UK Overseas Domestic Workers’ Visa

December 2021

Detention Taskforce briefing for House of Lords – Nationality and Borders Bill

December 2021

Experiences and Drivers of Labour Exploitation for Young Migrant Workers

December 2021

FLEX response to the Government’s review of the first year of the Seasonal Workers Pilot

January 2022

Identifying victims of trafficking in immigration detention – National Referral Mechanism decision making between 2017-2022

January 2022

FLEX written submission to EFRA Committee inquiry into labour shortages in the food and farming industry

January 2022

Joint response to the “Home Office and Police data-sharing arrangements on migrant victims and witnesses of crime with insecure immigration status”

February 2022

Delivering justice for victims: A consultation on improving victims’ experiences of the justice system – consultation response

February 2022

Preventing and Addressing Abuse and Exploitation: A Guide for Police and Labour Inspectors Working with Migrants

February 2022

Joint Briefing on Secure Reporting Amendment for Nationality and Borders Bill House of Lords Reporting Stage

February 2022

Tackling Sexual Harassment in Low-Paid and Insecure Work

March 2022

Anti-trafficking Sector Response to the Ministry of Justice’s Human Rights Act Reform Consultation

March 2022

Letter to Home Office on risks to Ukrainian nationals on Seasonal Workers’ Visa

March 2022

Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery Submission to the United Kingdom UN Periodic Review, 4th cycle, November 2022

April 2022

The making of irregular migration: post-Brexit immigration policy and risk of labour exploitation

May 2022

Understanding labour exploitation

May 2022

FLEX Response to the Director of Labour Market Enforcement’s Strategy 2023 to 2024: Call for Evidence

June 2022

Joint response to the Legal Aid Means Test Review: Access to Legal Aid for Survivors of Trafficking and Modern Slavery

June 2022

Detention Taskforce submission of evidence: Pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Victims Bill

June 2022

Joint Briefing for Committee debate on the draft Slavery and Human Trafficking (Definition of Victim) Regulations 2022

June 2022

Sir Mo Farah’s bravery must inspire government to act for all victims

July 2022

The vulnerability of paid migrant live-in care workers in London to modern slavery

August 2022

Videos: Research on Vulnerability of Migrant Live-in Care Workers in London to Modern Slavery

August 2022

Anti-trafficking sector joint response to Immigration Legal Aid consultation on new fees for new services

September 2022

Vulnerability Advisory Group response to Home Office comments on secure reporting

September 2022

Joint response on migrant workers’ risks of exploitation for MAC annual report

September 2022

FLEX submission to House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee Inquiry on the UK Labour Supply

October 2022

LEAG Submission to the Home Affairs Committee Inquiry on Policing Priorities

October 2022

Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill – Response to Public Bill Committee Call for Evidence

November 2022

Creating a safe and fair UK immigration policy for workers

November 2022

Briefing note: Rights Removal Bill

November 2022

As UN Experts express alarm, coalition calls on the Government to end hostility towards survivors of trafficking and modern slavery

December 2022

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK – Detention Taskforce Response to Joint Committee on Human Rights call for evidence

December 2022

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK – LEAG Response to Joint Committee on Human Rights call for evidence

December 2022

Safety for Migrant Workers: the case for safe reporting mechanisms

December 2022

Help and Advice for Ukrainian Nationals

December 2022

Response to the call of the UN Special Rapporteur on how to expand and diversify regularization mechanisms and programs to enhance the protection of the human rights of migrants

February 2023

Taskforce for Victims of Trafficking in Immigration Detention ‘Illegal Migration’ Bill – Second Reading Briefing

March 2023

Act now to stop exploitation of migrant farm workers

March 2023

Illegal Migration Bill – Joint civil society briefing for the House of Lords second reading

May 2023

Illegal Migration Bill – Committee Stage Amendments Briefing

May 2023

Rights and risks: Migrant labour exploitation in London

June 2023

Anti-trafficking sector joint briefing on the Illegal Migration Bill for Commons

July 2023

NGOs respond to the DEFRA independent review into labour shortages in the food supply chain

July 2023

LEAG Submission to the Home Affairs Committee inquiry on Human Trafficking

August 2023

Joint Committee on Human Rights: Human Rights at Work Evidence Submission

September 2023

LEAG Submission to the Joint Committee on Human Rights: Human Rights at Work

September 2023

Joint Submission to the ICIBI call for evidence on the social care sector

September 2023

FLEX’s response to the DLME call for evidence

September 2023

FLEX’s submission to the Migration Advisory Committee on the Seasonal Worker Visa

September 2023

FLEX Submission to the ICIBI call for evidence to inform an inspection of the Home Office’s illegal enforcement activity

October 2023

A Single Enforcement Body: What an effective Single Enforcement Body looks like

December 2023

Joint Position Paper on Preventing Exploitation in the Adult Social Care Sector

December 2023

Press Release: Europe’s first Worker-Driven Social Responsibility pilot launched in UK

January 2024

FLEX submission to the 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report

February 2024

Detention Taskforce Submission to the ICIBI call for evidence on the inspection of the Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority

February 2024

“So I decided to carry on…”: The continuum of exploitation in practice

February 2024

UK agriculture and care visas: worker exploitation and obstacles to redress

March 2024

Letter on the Government response to the House of Lords Horticultural Sector Committee- Report of session 2022-23

March 2024

From exploitation risks to mitigations: looking back locally on the implementation of the UK’s Ukraine Schemes

March 2024

Press Release: New UCL & FLEX study on exploitation risks for Ukrainians seeking safety in the UK

March 2024

Bearing fruit: Making recruitment fairer for migrant workers

April 2024

Press Release: New research highlights improvements needed to protect migrants from debt and disappointment on UK’s Seasonal Worker Scheme

April 2024

Worker Engagement in Human Rights Due Diligence: Learnings from a Pilot in Outsourced Cleaning

April 2024

Bound to work: Improving access to redress on the UK’s Seasonal Worker Scheme.

May 2024

LEAG submission to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Modern Slavery Act 2015- Impact and effectiveness of the 2015 Modern Slavery Act

May 2024

Press release: ‘Not here for the weather’. Accounts of unfair working conditions and poor accommodation on Britain’s farms

June 2024

Not here for the weather: Ensuring safe and fair conditions on the UK’s Seasonal Worker Scheme

June 2024

Video: The UK Seasonal Worker Scheme, an explainer

June 2024

Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority; Briefing by the Taskforce on Survivors of Trafficking in Immigration Detention

July 2024

Building a better system for survivors of trafficking in immigration detention

July 2024

Caring about workers’ rights: How a well-designed ‘Fair Work Agency’ could benefit care workers

July 2024