Executive Summary
This executive summary provides an overview of key findings from a series of
reports that investigated and assessed the risks stemming from the Government’s
design of the SWS, and highlighted cases of good practice. The first report,
Bearing fruit: Making recruitment fairer for migrant workers, focuses on recruitment-
related risks. The second, Bound to work: Improving access to redress on the UK’s
Seasonal Worker Scheme, covers difficulties in leaving exploitative conditions and
how workers access vital support for work-related issues. The third, Not here for
the weather: Ensuring safe and fair conditions on the UK’s Seasonal Worker Scheme,
documents the broader working and living conditions of people on the route.
Making the Seasonal Worker Scheme safer and fairer: Recruitment, redress, and working conditions
English translation
Маусымдық еңбек бағдарламасында қауіпсіздік пен әділеттілікті құру: жалдау, өтемақы және еңбек жағдайлары
Kazakh Translation
Сезондук жумушчу схемасын коопсуз жана адилеттуу кылуу: жалдоо, укуктар жана эмгек шарттары
Kyrgyz translation
Обеспечение безопасности и справедливости схемы сезонных работников: наем, обеспечение прав и условия труда
Russian Translation
Mavsumiy ishchilar sxemasi xavfsiz va adolatli boʻlishini taʼminlash: Ishga qabul qilish, zararni qoplash va mehnat sharoitlari
Uzbek Translation