FLEX is delighted to offer training to London based police and local authorities on their responsibilities to victims of modern slavery. Commissioned by the Mayor’s Office for Police and Crime, FLEX will deliver training which will equip participants with the knowledge, resources and ability to go on to deliver their own training to staff in their organisations.
Participants will attend one full-day training session which will take place on six dates throughout June and July. During the training, FLEX will lead participants through the essential aspects of their duties to identify and support victims of trafficking and forced labour. The training will provide information and practical guidance about the following areas, among others:
The full-day training session will take place via Zoom on the following dates:
Wednesday 2 June
Wednesday 9 June
Tuesday 15 June
Wednesday 30 June
Tuesday 13 July
Monday 19 July
With the overall aim of improving knowledge and awareness of modern slavery and legal duties among these First Responder organisations, a key focus of this training is ensuring knowledge is passed on through subsequent internal training. Accordingly, FLEX will provide resources to participants to equip them to lead their own sessions, including template training slides, a dossier of case studies and a handbook.
FLEX is looking to recruit staff from each London local authority and Basic Command Unit to receive modern slavery training and go on to deliver their own training to colleagues. If you would like to join one of the training dates, or have questions, please get in touch with our Training Officer at [email protected].