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FLEX announces new CEO, Lucila Granada

July 3, 2019

FLEX is pleased to announce our new Chief Executive is Lucila Granada, who starts her role with us this week.

Lucila was formerly director of the Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) which is a frontline feminist organisation run by and for Latin American women working with 5,000 women each year to provide them with support services and achieve advocacy aims.

Lucila brings to FLEX an exciting mix of academic, campaigning and policy expertise centred on the rights of migrant workers and with experience of working with victims of exploitation. Prior to her role at LAWRS, Lucila led CLA UK, a coalition of Latin American organisations from the voluntary sector which raises awareness and understanding of the issues facing the Latin American community in the UK and provides a collective voice for the interests of this community. She also holds a PhD on migration, language and ethnic identity.

Lucila looks forward to leading FLEX to tackle human trafficking for labour exploitation, focusing on labour rights for all, and protections and empowerment for those at risk of, or experiencing, abuse and exploitation.

Find Lucila Granada on Twitter @lulagranada